Sunday, March 25, 2012

Going Local is the way to go!

Numerous times we hear, "oh another business closed down", sad to see the CNMI lose its footing on investors confidence. Recently, a group of investors I belive were hosted by the Saipan Chamber of Commerce was here on island to see what investment opportunities lie ahead in the Commonwealth. Now for all that is good, we need more investments for the CNMI, but lest forget the ones who are still in business and have continuosly strive to make ends meet in this ailing economy. Support them too!

The love for the islands, its people and to offer what you can do to make a difference is where we need to look at immediatley. Government calls for more budget, yet they tax the businesses more to gain that extra dollar. Where does the business get that extra dollar, from its consumers and where does the consumer get there dollar, from their employers, the cycle does not stop. when taxes are raised , businesses raise their cost for commodoties and others making this cycle a living breathing nightmare for the people, the businesses, the very livelihood the government is tasked to protect.

Going local - supporting your local entreprenuers may sound difficult as most of our local products are considered expensive, but think about it, at least the funds stay with us. Recyled, re-used and replenished each time. I say go local to make "US" work as an island nation. Become self-sustainable in hopefully just a few years from now, am I wishful thinking?

Our 4th issue of Tops + More is out and about the community, in circulation since Friday last week. I am proud of this issue. We focused on our local businesses, new and in existence for sometime now, but they all had to start somewhere - a sacrfice that thay have endured. Call it inspiration, call it determination, but its there, they did it and they continue to do it! Lets not forget that we also have the features on our fine dining experiences. Hey, we go out, we enjoy, and yet we know that we also must be frugal when it comes to our expenses, but where do you draw the line for self gratification, we all need that to stay sane.

On behalf of BISON Relations, publishing company for Tops + More, we bid you good reading!

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